Rooftop & HVAC Units
When a church in Georgia began feeling the effects of copper theft, the integrator associated with the property's interior security once again turned to OPTEX for help. The church utilized both rooftop and ground level HVAC systems, with easy access to each. Because of labor and cost associated with wiring, along with the difficulty bringing power to the rooftops, the Regional Sales Director for OPTEX recommended the iSeries line of battery-powered, wireless PIR's. The iSeries detectors offered spot and curtain protection for all HVAC units while also securing all access points to each. For future consideration, the addition of the wireless feature also allows the integrator to relocate and easily adjust the detectors based on changing security needs. With the system in place, copper and other related thefts have been eliminated and the end user can now respond quickly before any damage is done.
Added OPTEX Value
All of the battery-powered, wireless detectors from OPTEX come with an empty backbox and work with most manufacturers wireless transmitters. When you select the iSeries version, OPTEX will pre-install the batteries and an Inovonics EN1941 wireless transmitter. One less time consuming step to do for the installer!
OPTEX iSERIES Products Used
The iSeries HX-80NRAMi: An 80' x 6' high mount, battery-powered, outdoor passive infrared detector with Anti-Masking. The iSeries version comes with an Inovonics EN1941 transmitter and batteries pre installed.
The iSeries BX-80NRi: A 3' x 80' low mount, battery-powered, outdoor passive infrared detector with Pet Tolerance. The iSeries version comes with an Inovonics EN1941 transmitter and batteries pre installed. With it's long, narrow detection areas that extend from both sides, the battery-powered BX-80NRi is specifically designed to be wall-mounted centrally on a building or HVAC unit.
The iSeries VX-402Ri: A 40' x 40' low mount, battery-powered, outdoor passive infrared detector with Pet Tolerance. The iSeries version comes with an Inovonics EN1941 transmitter and batteries pre installed, and the dual PIR's create two detection areas (upper and lower) that must be compromised simultaneously in order to go into alarm.