The Site
A gated, luxury motor coach resort community in the desert area of Southern California. The property features a clubhouse, fitness room, community pool, and 141 "Casitas": 1200sqft. custom built living spaces with waterfront motor coach pad.
The Challenge
Because most owners were on site only a portion of the year, the property faced an increasing issue with trespassers in the off- season months. The increase in trespassing also lead to an increase in vandalism and theft cases. The large perimeter, combined with the desert heat, required a robust, long distance solution that would stand up to the elements.
The Solution
The integrator worked directly with OPTEX to plan out a perimeter system that would overcome the challenges faced on the site. Because power was readily available and a long distance solution was required, hardwired AX-650TF beams with a detection range of 650ft. were selected. After discussing possible mounting options with the OPTEX sales representative, the integrator decided on the AX-TW200 photobeam tower. Because the customer provided a site plan, OPTEX was able to pre-build the towers and mount the beams in them at no additional charge. Once installed, the tower and beam solution provided full perimeter protection by activating strobes and notifying an on-site guard to the location of an intrusion. The result was a huge decrease in the amount of unknown trespassers, thus greatly reducing reports of theft and vandalism.